Sydney Ford
Lexington Catholic
Sydney is a well-rounded senior who excels in academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities. Her active involvement in FCA, Dance Blue committee, environmental club, and various sports teams demonstrates her leadership and commitment to her school community.
As a 2024 governor scholar and secretary for the National Honor Society, Sydney exemplifies academic achievement and strong leadership skills. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and writing, fueling her passion for storytelling.
With aspirations to work behind the scenes in the film industry, Sydney aims to bring stories to life through movies, shows, or books. As a Promethean Senior Ambassador, she intends to inspire and empower others, encouraging them to embrace their unique talents and believe in themselves.
Sydney's diverse accomplishments, dedication to leadership, and enthusiasm for storytelling make her a valuable member of the Promethean Senior Ambassadors Program. Her journey will undoubtedly inspire others to pursue their passions and recognize the importance of their individual contributions.